Master in
Management & Analytics
Why choose the Master in Management & Analytics?
The Master in Management & Analytics trains professionals with solid knowledge in management and decision-making in business environments, combined with thorough techniques of acquisition, administration, analysis, and exploitation of large volumes of data which allows them to articulate the business vision with the technical aspects of data management.
It provides theoretical, technical, and practical knowledge to analyze business contexts and define strategies based on data for decision-making, and lead innovation processes with great communication and leadership skills.
This Master is intended for:
Professionals from different backgrounds aspiring to acquire tools and skills to apply technology in the creation of value and sustainable competitive advantages, with an integral and systemic vision of the business.
Professionals who lead organizations or teams seeking to promote the development and implementation of products, services, and decision-making based on large-scale data.
Young professionals from data Management and administration areas who wish to gain experience in the analysis of large volumes of data, understand, assess and design technology solutions based on data.
Modality: In-person
Duration: 2 years
Class attendance schedule: Monday and Tuesday from 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Degree granted: Master in Management & Analytics (*)
*Official recognition and national validity of the title in process: EX-2021-37985992-APN-DAC#CONEAU
- Management Control and Finances
- Commercial Planning and Data- Driven Businesses
- Strategic management based on Data
- Innovation Management
- Organizations’ Management and Administration
- Data Governance
- Programming for Data Analysis
- Fundamentals of Analysis and Data Mining
- Data Storage and Online Analytical Processing
- Big Data Processing Tools
- Machine learning Algorithms and Techniques
- Workshop on Research Methodology and Academic Writing
Elective courses
- Organizational Culture and Leadership
- Systemic Thinking for Strategic Planning
- Sustainable Development
- Innovation and Production Economics
- Global Markets
- Evaluation of projects
- Project Management
- Competitive Strategies in Argentina
- Supply Chain and Operations
- Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
- Accounting and costs
- Technological Innovation Policies in Argentina
- Deep Learning
- Implementation of Automatic Learning Applications in the Cloud
- Data visualization
- Application Seminar on FinTech
- Application Seminar on EdTech
Paolo Donizetti
Lionel Chamorro
Ariel Haimovici
Horacio Mansilla
Alejandro Salevsky
Cristian Calla
• Ingeniero en Sistemas de Información (UTN)
• Posgrado en Administración de Proyectos (UCA)
• Especialización en Ciencia de Datos (ITBA)
• Marketing Science Director (Mercado Libre)
Juan Martín Maglione
Máster en Dirección Estratégica y Tecnológica (ITBA). Máster en Dirección Estratégica y Tecnológica (EOI, España). Especialización en Consultoría de Negocios Internacionales (Fontys University of Applied Sciences en Eindhoven, Holanda). Especializaciones varias en Big Data, Product Management, Agile Methodologies, Cloud Engineering y Deep Learning (ITBA). Regional Product Transformation Manager en Banco Santander (Madrid, España). Head of Artificial Intelligence and Technology en SAI (Amsterdam, Holanda)
Gabriela Bortz
Doctora en Ciencias Sociales, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Magíster en Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad en Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Licenciada en Ciencia Política, UBA.
Tomás Reboursin
Jorge Fantín
• MSc. in Management, London Business School
• Master en Finanzas, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella
Rifat Lelic
• Doctor en Administración, UCA
• MBA, State University de San Francisco
• Ingeniero Industrial, UBA
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(011) 3754 – 4731