Master in
Energy and Environment ITBA-KIT
Why choose the Master’s Degree in Energy and Environment ITBA-KIT?
This Master trains leaders in socio-economic and cultural change processes; related to a comprehensive improvement in the energy chain and its links; energy efficiency, care of the environment, energy policies and regulations, and the management of distributed energy and the incorporation of renewable energy to smart grids.
At the end of the course, graduates will relate technical, environmental, regulatory, and economic concepts; manage the latest tools in calculating, simulating, and designing; put forward and develop efficient, sustainable, and competitive solutions; and work in interdisciplinary and network.
This Master is intended for:
Graduates in Engineering interested in energy and environmental issues, such as generation, transport, distribution, consumption, emissions, natural renewable resources, new technologies, regulations and economics.
Modality: In-person
Duration: 3 semesters.
Class attendance schedule: Classes are taught in Spanish, from Monday to Friday in the morning and part of the afternoon.
The Master in Energy and Environment is part of the Binational Program to Strengthen Argentine-German Interuniversity Networks. ITBA and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) jointly administer this double degree program: ITBA awards a Magister in Energy and Environment degree and KIT a Master in Mechanical Engineering degree. The course has a CUAA-DAHZ subsidy with coverage for language courses and mobility for professors and students.
Double Degree
Degree granted: Master in Energy and Environment ITBA-KIT
Accredited in session CONEAU 1009/13
Ministerial Resolution N° 774/14
1º Semestre
Fundamentos avanzados de ingeniería.
15 semanas (18 h/semana). 270 h en total.
2º Semestre
Focalización en Energías Renovables.
15 semanas (18 h/semana). 270 h en total.
3º Semestre
Tesis de interés para el sector empresario.
15-20 semanas. 360 h en total.
Dra. Ing. Cecilia
Dr. Ing. in Maschinenbau
– Universität Karlsruhe.
Lic. en Física
– Instituto Balseiro.
Prof. Dr. Ing.
Robert Stieglitz
Head of Institute for Neutron Physics and Reactor Technology (KIT / INR).
Chair Fusion and Reactor Technology, Inst. for Applied Thermofluidics (KIT / IATF).
Mechanical Engineering Degree and Doctor, KIT.
Silvia Barredo
Rubén Bufanio
Sebastián D´hers
Martín Fraguío
Director Ejecutivo Consultor en Bioenergía y Cambio Climático. Magister en Administración de Empresas, Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA). Posgrado E. Business, UCA. Ing. en Producción, UCA.
Juan Ricardo Lauretta
Responsable del grupo de Hidrógeno, ITBA. Lic. en Física y Matemáticas, Universidad Católica de Salta.
Federico Raffo
Experto en autos de competición, MSc. Automotive Engineering, University of Michigan-Dearborn. Ing. Mecánico, ITBA.
Patricio Neffa
Director Técnico y Operaciones, GENEIA S.A. Master en Gestión de Proyectos, Université Paris IX Dauphine, Francia, en curso.Ingeniero Aeronáutico, Universidad Nacional de La Plata.
Pedro Orbaiz
Director Proyecto Bus Híbrido, ITBA. Dr. Ing., University of Melbourne. Ing. Mecánico, ITBA.
Mauricio Roitman
Consultor. Dir. Área de Energía Fundación Argentina Porvenir. Mg. en Economía, Universidad de Surrey (UK). Lic. en Economía, Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (UADE).
Cecilia Smoglie
Prof. Titular, ITBA, Directora de la Maestría ITBA-KIT. Dr. Ing. in Mechanical Enginering, Universität Karlsruhe. Lic. en Física, Instituto Balseiro.
Roberto Vieytes
Profesor titular ITBA. Dr. en Ciencias Físicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Lic. en Ciencias Físicas, UBA.
Flavia Felicioni
Investigadora de CNEA. Dra. en Ingeniería, UNR. Ing. Electrónica, UNR.
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(011) 3754 – 4731